text – Text helpers


webhelpers.text.truncate(text, length=30, indicator='...', whole_word=False)

Truncate text with replacement characters.

The maximum length of text before replacement
If text exceeds the length, this string will replace the end of the string
If true, shorten the string further to avoid breaking a word in the middle. A word is defined as any string not containing whitespace. If the entire text before the break is a single word, it will have to be broken.


>>> truncate('Once upon a time in a world far far away', 14)
'Once upon a...'
webhelpers.text.excerpt(text, phrase, radius=100, excerpt_string='...')

Extract an excerpt from the text, or ‘’ if the phrase isn’t found.

Phrase to excerpt from text
How many surrounding characters to include
Characters surrounding entire excerpt


>>> excerpt("hello my world", "my", 3)
'...lo my wo...'
webhelpers.text.plural(n, singular, plural, with_number=True)

Return the singular or plural form of a word, according to the number.

If with_number is true (default), the return value will be the number followed by the word. Otherwise the word alone will be returned.


>>> plural(2, "ox", "oxen")
'2 oxen'
>>> plural(2, "ox", "oxen", False)
webhelpers.text.chop_at(s, sub, inclusive=False)

Truncate string s at the first occurrence of sub.

If inclusive is true, truncate just after sub rather than at it.

>>> chop_at("plutocratic brats", "rat")
>>> chop_at("plutocratic brats", "rat", True)
webhelpers.text.lchop(s, sub)

Chop sub off the front of s if present.

>>> lchop("##This is a comment.##", "##")
'This is a comment.##'

The difference between lchop and s.lstrip is that lchop strips only the exact prefix, while s.lstrip treats the argument as a set of leading characters to delete regardless of order.

webhelpers.text.rchop(s, sub)

Chop sub off the end of s if present.

>>> rchop("##This is a comment.##", "##")
'##This is a comment.'

The difference between rchop and s.rstrip is that rchop strips only the exact suffix, while s.rstrip treats the argument as a set of trailing characters to delete regardless of order.


Strip the leading whitespace in all lines in s.

This deletes all leading whitespace. textwrap.dedent deletes only the whitespace common to all lines.

webhelpers.text.wrap_paragraphs(text, width=72)

Wrap all paragraphs in a text string to the specified width.

width may be an int or a textwrap.TextWrapper instance. The latter allows you to set other options besides the width, and is more efficient when wrapping many texts.

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