webob – Request/Response objects


class webob.Request(environ, charset=None, unicode_errors=None, decode_param_names=None, **kw)

The default request implementation

Parse four Accept* headers used in server-driven content negotiation.

The four headers are Accept, Accept-Charset, Accept-Encoding and Accept-Language.

class webob.acceptparse.Accept

Represent an Accept header.

Base class for AcceptValidHeader, AcceptNoHeader, and AcceptInvalidHeader.

class webob.acceptparse.MIMEAccept(*args, **kw)

Backwards compatibility shim for AcceptValidHeader that acts like the old MIMEAccept from WebOb 1.7.

Deprecated since version 1.8.

Instead of directly creating the Accept object, please see: create_accept_header(header_value), which will create the appropriate object.

class webob.byterange.Range(start, end)

Represents the Range header.

Represents the Cache-Control header

class webob.cachecontrol.CacheControl(properties, type)

Represents the Cache-Control header.

By giving a type of 'request' or 'response' you can control what attributes are allowed (some Cache-Control values only apply to requests or responses).

Does parsing of ETag-related headers: If-None-Matches, If-Matches

Also If-Range parsing

class webob.etag.ETagMatcher(etags)
class webob.etag.IfRange(etag)


class webob.Response(body=None, status=None, headerlist=None, app_iter=None, content_type=None, conditional_response=None, charset=<object object>, **kw)

Represents a WSGI response.

If no arguments are passed, creates a Response that uses a variety of defaults. The defaults may be changed by sub-classing the Response. See the sub-classing notes.

  • body (bytes or text_type) – If body is a text_type, then it will be encoded using either charset when provided or default_encoding when charset is not provided if the content_type allows for a charset. This argument is mutually exclusive with app_iter.
  • status (int or str) – Either an int or a string that is an integer followed by the status text. If it is an integer, it will be converted to a proper status that also includes the status text. Any existing status text will be kept. Non-standard values are allowed.
  • headerlist (list) – A list of HTTP headers for the response.
  • app_iter (iterable) – An iterator that is used as the body of the response. Should conform to the WSGI requirements and should provide bytes. This argument is mutually exclusive with body.
  • content_type (str or None) – Sets the Content-Type header. If no content_type is provided, and there is no headerlist, the default_content_type will be automatically set. If headerlist is provided then this value is ignored.
  • conditional_response (bool) – Used to change the behavior of the Response to check the original request for conditional response headers. See conditional_response_app() for more information.
  • charset (str or None) – Adds a charset Content-Type parameter. If no charset is provided and the Content-Type is text, then the default_charset will automatically be added. Currently the only Content-Type’s that allow for a charset are defined to be text/*, application/xml, and */*+xml. Any other Content-Type’s will not have a charset added. If a headerlist is provided this value is ignored.

All other response attributes may be set on the response by providing them as keyword arguments. A TypeError will be raised for any unexpected keywords.

Sub-classing notes:

  • The default_content_type is used as the default for the Content-Type header that is returned on the response. It is text/html.
  • The default_charset is used as the default character set to return on the Content-Type header, if the Content-Type allows for a charset parameter. Currently the only Content-Type’s that allow for a charset are defined to be: text/*, application/xml, and */*+xml. Any other Content-Type’s will not have a charset added.
  • The unicode_errors is set to strict, and access on a text will raise an error if it fails to decode the body.
  • default_conditional_response is set to False. This flag may be set to True so that all Response objects will attempt to check the original request for conditional response headers. See conditional_response_app() for more information.
  • default_body_encoding is set to ‘UTF-8’ by default. It exists to allow users to get/set the Response object using .text, even if no charset has been set for the Content-Type.
class webob.byterange.ContentRange(start, stop, length)

Represents the Content-Range header

This header is start-stop/length, where start-stop and length can be * (represented as None in the attributes).

class webob.cachecontrol.CacheControl(properties, type)

Represents the Cache-Control header.

By giving a type of 'request' or 'response' you can control what attributes are allowed (some Cache-Control values only apply to requests or responses).

Misc Functions


HTML-escape a string or object

This converts any non-string objects passed into it to strings (actually, using unicode()). All values returned are non-unicode strings (using &#num; entities for all non-ASCII characters).

None is treated specially, and returns the empty string.

class webob.response.AppIterRange(app_iter, start, stop)

Wraps an app_iter, returning just a range of bytes.

Gives a multi-value dictionary object (MultiDict) plus several wrappers

class webob.multidict.MultiDict(*args, **kw)

An ordered dictionary that can have multiple values for each key. Adds the methods getall, getone, mixed and extend and add to the normal dictionary interface.

class webob.multidict.NestedMultiDict(*dicts)

Wraps several MultiDict objects, treating it as one large MultiDict

class webob.multidict.NoVars(reason=None)

Represents no variables; used when no variables are applicable.

This is read-only


class webob.descriptors.environ_getter
class webob.descriptors.header_getter
class webob.descriptors.converter
class webob.descriptors.deprecated_property

Wraps a descriptor, with a deprecation warning or error